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New Sketchy MMO Site Stealing Everyones Content

New Sketchy MMO Site Stealing Everyones Content

So, I’m not going to give them a proper link here, because they are sleaze bag IP-thiefs, but I thought I’d drop warning in case anyone happens across their site. MMORPGnetwork(dot)com rips content from other MMO focused sites, uses a really bad ai to paraphrase the content and then posts it as if it is there own. They are stealing from us, wowhead, and more. While legal action is being considered (because what they are doing is absolutely criminal), I wanted our viewers to be informed so that they may choose to not support such a terrible organization with their views.

Again, I don’t recommend trying to find them, just, if you happen to see that address, consider not clicking and/or leaving. They actively hurt the business of those creating the content that they blatantly steal.

The post New Sketchy MMO Site Stealing Everyones Content appeared first on Alternate Image Gaming.

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