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8 Best Yoga Sex Positions To Experience Orgasm To The Fullest

8 Best Yoga Sex Positions To Experience Orgasm To The Fullest

Couple hugging in a yoga studio

Have you ever thought about combining yoga with your sex life? It might sound wild, but it’s a game-changer! Imagine transforming your yoga routine into an intimate experience that enhances pleasure and emotional bonds. With yoga sex, you can break the monotony and explore new dimensions of intimacy and excitement. Yummy!

In this article, we’ll introduce you to the best yoga sex positions that you can easily incorporate into your routine. You’ll learn how to blend yoga poses, breathing techniques, and mindfulness practices to create a more holistic approach to sexual wellness. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or new to the practice, these positions will help you and your partner achieve deeper connections and more satisfying intimate moments. Ready to elevate your sex life? Let’s dive in!

What is yoga sex?

Yoga sex combines the principles of yoga with sexual activity to enhance physical intimacy and connection between partners. It involves using yoga poses, breathing techniques, and mindfulness practices to deepen the sexual experience. The focus is on being present, increasing flexibility, building physical and emotional intimacy, and giving you a more holistic approach to sexual wellness.

A couple practicing eye gazing

Here are the key aspects of yoga sex:

  1. Breath Control: Using deep, synchronized breathing to maintain a calm and connected state.
  2. Mindfulness: Staying fully present in the moment to enhance sensitivity and connection.
  3. Flexibility: Incorporating yoga poses that improve flexibility and allow for creative and comfortable sexual positions.
  4. Emotional Connection: Fostering a deeper emotional bond through eye contact, touch, and shared energy.
  5. Slow Pace: Emphasizing slower, more deliberate movements to build arousal and prolong pleasure.


Can you have sex while doing yoga?

Absolutely, you can incorporate sex into your yoga routine, but it’s essential to take some precautions. Communicate openly with your partner and ease into it slowly to avoid any mishaps. It’s also important to do warm-up exercises beforehand to minimize the risk of injury. By staying mindful and careful, you can seamlessly transition from yoga to a more passionate experience.


What are the benefits?

Yoga sex has many benefits when done in a daily routine.

  1. First, it includes breathing techniques that bring awareness to partners during sexual experiences. With these breathing techniques, your consciousness opens, and you have an intense and epic sexual relationship with your partner.
  2. It makes performing the desired positions easier by reducing waist and back pain. During yoga sex poses, your blood flow in your body and your sexual function increase. Through the energy, your stress and anxiety are reduced.
  3. Your sex monotony ends as you introduce new positions into your sex life. Due to the intense emotional state of yoga, sexual desire increases between partners. Thanks to the flexibility gained, you can discover and try new sex positions.
  4. Also, because yoga sex relaxes the body, it becomes easier to do missionary positions, anal penetration, and oral sex.


Yoga Sex vs. Tantric Yoga

Yoga sex and tantric yoga both blend physical and intimate connections, but they differ in focus and approach. Most importantly, Yoga sex incorporates sexual activity into yoga practice, prioritizing physical pleasure and spontaneous intimacy. In contrast, tantric yoga emphasizes deep spiritual connection, mindfulness, and prolonged intimate rituals, aiming to heighten emotional and energetic bonds between partners. While yoga sex is more about immediate physical satisfaction, tantric yoga fosters a holistic union of body, mind, and spirit.

A couple hugging in the Yab Yum position

You can find the best Tantric positions here.


What preparations should I make?

Just as we make the necessary preparations before yoga, you should also prepare before having yoga sex. Perhaps you could start with some research on yoga sex and poses first. This way, you can choose the positions that best suit you and your partner.

Another suggestion is that you should consider that you will get exhausted and lose water during sexual activity. To avoid losing energy due to dehydration, you should not forget to consume water before and after sexual penetration.

Another preparation is ensuring you are on the same page with your partner before you start. Your partner needs to know which position to apply for and prepare accordingly. Making sure that you want to try this sexual pleasure will strengthen your mutual communication.

A couple having a discussion.

You should always stretch your body enough beforehand. Do not forget to warm up, considering there will be a lot of movement in the yoga sex approach, where yoga and sexuality are combined. Warming up before sex and starting with accessible positions will make it easier for you to adapt.

Another important thing is to do it carefully if you are trying the positions for the first time. You can become more conscious if you search for positions online before your partner lies.

I also recommend that you try each new position slowly and carefully. It will be better for you and your partner to use basic poses for your first attempts and try advanced poses after you get used to them.

One last suggestion regarding preparations is to enjoy the moment with your partner. Although yoga sex is mainly physical contact, you should also relax mentally and enjoy the moment. Creating a smooth playlist can also help you enjoy the moment.


Best yoga sex positions

It’s time to learn about the best positions. We have researched the best positions you want to try. Let’s start the review!

1. Plow pose

The plow pose is a great position that allows deep penetration, which may not be suitable for the basics. It is a pose that stretches the back and shoulder blades of the person, causing the blood flow to run faster, thus speeding up sexual function.

Plow pose

To perform the plow pose:

  • First, the partner lies on their back.
  • The lying partner pulls their knees to his upper body and stretches themselves.
  • Then, the partner lifts their hips to keep their legs above the head and completes the pose.

With this pose, you can have oral sex and vaginal penetration. I want to point out that those with high blood pressure and low back and neck pain should not do this pose. Also, those doing this position for the first time should practice this pose gently and slowly.

2. Bridge pose

The bridge pose is very successful, especially in penetrating the genital area. It also helps a lot in regulating breathing movements and back pain. Working the pelvic floor muscles increases blood flow and makes it easier to have an orgasm.

Bridge pose

To practice this yoga sex position:

  • The receiving partner puts their hip apart.
  • Then they lie on a flat surface and bend their knees.
  • Finally, they lift their hips with their head on the ground and pushes them by holding their hands back.

Upon completion of the position, the standing partner can have intercourse between the legs of the lying partner or stimulate the genital area. Suppose the person practicing this pose increases the distance between their feet. In that case, it will be easier for your partner to enter you.

To keep the legs and feet in line, you can put a block or pillow between the thighs of the lying partner and under the hips in case of lower back pain.

3. Cobra pose

Cobra pose is a yoga practice that backs muscle strength and the spine. It can be practiced more profoundly and effectively in the back entrances.

Cobra pose

To practice the cobra pose:

  • One of the partners lies face down.
  • They pull themselves up by extending their hand at shoulder level.
  • Then they place their palms flat on the ground and push their toes down.
  • Finally, they should keep their shoulders away from their ears while lifting their head and chin.

Leaving the legs straight and relaxed gives more comfort during intercourse. You can also put a block or pillow under your belly to avoid back pain. You can penetrate deeply if the lying partner spreads slightly between their legs.

4. Cat and cow pose

The cat and cow pose, similar to the downward dog position, is one of the positions you can use separately or together. With these positions, the spine is opened, providing more comfortable movement. It also calms the mind and creates awareness.

Cat and cow pose

To practice the cow and cat pose:

  • One of the partners stands on their hands and knees and straightens back.
  • They press the base of their hands to the ground and holds their head parallel to the floor or upwards.
  • While inhaling, they should pull their upper body upwards and tilt their head toward the ground.
  • When the partner starts to exhale, they should lift their head forward while pushing their stomach towards the ground.

With the back curved, both the vagina and anus have depths at different angles so that you can experience new sensations.

5. Happy baby pose

This pose is one position that allows the back and hips to stretch and is frequently used in yoga practice. Therefore, besides being a missionary position for the receiving partner, it can become deep penetrating when your partner seduces you.

Happy baby pose

To practice the happy baby pose:

  • The partner lies on their back and raises their legs straight.
  • Then, they bend their knees and grab their ankles.

The receiving partner may open or close their legs more to get a good position. Also, if you want a warm atmosphere with your penetrating partner, you can show closeness by wrapping your legs around your partner.

6. Corpse pose

The corpse is a finishing pose commonly used to relax the body after practicing yoga. With this one, the person gets away from stress and gets a clear mind. It also provides convenience in genital and anal penetration due to the relaxation of the partners.

Corpse yoga sex position

To practice the corpse pose:

  • The partner lies on the floor, spreading their legs and arms.

Although the position is so simple, you can do many things:

  1. The receiving partner can lie down and stimulate them.
  2. Emotional closeness is formed between partners.
  3. This pose makes reaching the G-spot pretty effortless.
  4. In addition, you can place a pillow under the waist of the lying partner to make them feel comfortable.

7. Downward facing dog

The downward-facing dog is a position that relieves back pain and accelerates blood flow. With this one, partners easily get wet and have an orgasm. Since it is a position that stimulates the G-spot, access to deep penetration becomes easier.

Downward facing dog

To practice the downward facing dog:

  • One of the partners puts their hands and knees on a flat surface.
  • Then, they lift their hip apart and press their feet to the ground with slow movements.
  • Meanwhile, their hands are on the floor, and their body is V-shaped.

A standing partner can have intercourse by holding the lying partner’s hips in this position. If you open your legs a little during this position, you can easily allow your partner to penetrate deeply.

8. Child’s pose

The child’s pose is one of the stretching movements frequently used while practicing yoga. This pose, which has calming properties, is one of the poses in which it is straightforward to perform deep penetration from the back, as it highlights the hips during intercourse.

Child's pose

To practice the child’s pose:

  • Sit on your knees on the floor.
  • Extend your arms forward so that your navel is on the floor.
  • Keep your knees wide open on the ground with your big toes touching.
  • When you extend your arms to the last place you reach, you can rest your forehead on the floor.

If you keep your legs close together, you can achieve deeper penetration. To fully utilize your pelvic region, you must remember to relax and unwind.


The post 8 Best Yoga Sex Positions To Experience Orgasm To The Fullest appeared first on My Sex Toy Guide.

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