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Philippines temporarily prohibits Japanese poultry imports

Philippines temporarily prohibits Japanese poultry imports

  • By Admin

The Philippines’ farm ministry announced on Thursday that poultry imports from Japan had been temporarily prohibited because of an outbreak of avian influenza.

The Philippines’ Agriculture Minister Francisco Tiu Laurel said that the import ban was required in order to protect the local poultry population from exposure to the H5N1 avian flu strain.

“Only wild birds, poultry, and poultry products imported from Japan that are already in transit, loaded, and accepted on or before Nov. 10, 2023, will be allowed entry to the Philippines,” the Philippines’ Department of Agriculture said in a statement.

The country has also imposed similar bans on imports from California and Ohio in the United States, along with imports from Belgium and France because of bird flu outbreaks.

The post Philippines temporarily prohibits Japanese poultry imports first appeared on Trading Pedia.

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