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Can Sunak and the Tories sink any lower?

Can Sunak and the Tories sink any lower?

  • By Admin

It seems these days every days seems to bring a new poll showing Sunak and the Tories hitting new lows that may rival the ratings of Liz Truss, the UK’s shortest serving Prime Minister.

There’s two points to consider, firstly if the Tories and Sunak remain this unpopular then the polls may be underestimating them when tactical voting is considered, because my view is the higher the unpopularity the more anti-Tory tactical voting will take place.

Secondly, if the polls keep going in this direction then Sunak will face a tipping point where Tory MPs consider a tub of lard or a lettuce will do better at the polls than Sunak no matter how ridiculous the Tory party looks by having its third unelected PM in this parliament.


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