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Get Over Fear of Women And Shyness – Best Practical Exercise

Get Over Fear of Women And Shyness – Best Practical Exercise

It’s time you learn about the absolute best practical exercise there is on the planet that will evaporate your fear of women. As well as your fear of rejection and talking to random girls on the street.

So if you’re afraid of women and have severe approach anxiety, read on. Because if you actually take the time to do this exercise, I promise it will change your life significantly and for the better.

This exercise is ideal FOR COMPLETE BEGINNERS. People who self-ascribe themselves as being pussies, who have never approached women in their lives and who have crippling anxiety.

That said, every single person will benefit greatly from it. Even guys with advanced skills in seduction.

Those who can already approach and talk to women but would like to get even better results will get great benefits too. Because this exercise, especially the second part, will advance your skills no matter how good you are, simply because it’s good practice. of the fundamentals.

And also becase guys who can already do this will get a TON of great interactions and phone numbers. So you’ll be able to get many dates from this and go on to get laid a lot in the process.

Now let’s get straight into it.

Practical Exercise to Get Over Shyness, Fear of Women and Rejection – For Beginners

This exercise to remove fear of women and shyness consists of two parts. The first part is the actual practical exercise, the second part has to do with your Inner Game (Mental Skills). Both are critical for success.

That’s because people with CRIPPLING anxiety who can’t even get over themselves to talk to a girl and say a single word won’t be able to do the exercise. Because it requires some amount of courage to do. Not to mention effort.

So complete beginners who have ridiculous anxiety will first have to perform a mental exercise before doing the practical one. Then you’ll have a much easier time to get over yourself and your mental blocks to actually walk up to and talk to another person.

And if you’re not a beginner, the second part will be really good for you as well. Because it will turbocharge your existing results.

Nothing will transform you as much as this exercise will, I guarantee it. I can bet money on it.

It’s how I personally went from a totally clueless, anxiety-ridden, socially retarded weirdo who was afraid of people, to sleeping with hundreds of women around the world.

The Practical Part – Outer Game – Destroy Approach Anxiety

Remember, when it comes to getting over fear of women, it’s all about baby steps for complete and total beginners.

Step 1) Pick a day on the weekend and go to a city or town with a decent population where NOBODY KNOWS YOU.

Step 2) Go to a busy street, corner, promenade, etc. Anything with a huge flow of people where you’ll have plenty of women to approach and where people don’t really hang around much so it doesn’t become awkward. (Beaches and Parks work as well but sometimes people hang around and it can become awkward)

Step 3) Go up to women and start slow by asking for the time, or for directions, or whatever else you can think of that’s very innocent and easy.

Something like “Hey, excuse me, could you tell me the time because my watch doesn’t work?” works fine. Or “Could you tell me how to get to <wherever>?”

You ask your question, get your answer, say thank you and go. Zero pressure.

Do this for ALL kinds of women, not just the ones you find attractive. So include old grannies and little girls. This is just so you get in the mood for talking to people you are NOT interested in or attracted to.

(If you can’t even do that, start by approaching men. To work yourself up to approaching women.)

You should get virtually zero rejections at this stage, unless people are in a hurry or very busy.

After 10 approaches it’s time to take it up a notch. But if your heart’s still beating like there’s a little hamster dancing around in your chest, do 20 approaches to get more used to it.

Expand your conversations

Step 4) Continue approaching all types of women. After asking your innocent question say something like “Oh I’m new in town (which is true) and could you recommend some cool sightseeing spots here? (Or something fun to do in town, or good plate where to eat or whatever similar.) Then have that short conversation.

You ask your question, they answer. And you follow up with the second. After they answer, say thank you, it was nice meeting you, or something similar, and go. Unless you can think of some follow up questions to when they reply to your second question. Then by all means go ahead and CONTINUE THE CONVERSATION. And make sure you know how to never run out of things to say to women when talking so you’re able to do that much easier.

Now this is the part where you might start getting rejections. Because some people just won’t be arsed to talk to some random guy on the street. Or they won’t have the time. Or they simply won’t like you. That’s perfect and perfectly fine. You are SUPPOSED to get rejected when you meet people who won’t want to talk to you. You’re not gonna talk to every person you meet on the street yourself in your day to day life.

When you get rejected, say something like “Alright, thanks anyway” or “Cool, have a good day.” Or “Ok, nice meeting you.”

After 10-20 approaches like that, time to take it up a notch.

Narrow down the type of women you approach

Step 5) Now approach women who would be appropriate to have as a friend or go on a date with. So cut out the old women and little girls.

Go up to these age-appropriate women who you could be friends of lovers with and ask your innocent question. Then ask the follow up question from step two.

After you’re done, say something like “Oh wow, you’re so nice to talk to, I’m so and so, by the way, what’s your name?” Or “Hey, you’re so kind to give help like that to a stranger. My name’s so and so, by the way. What’s your name?” and you put out your hand to shake theirs.

The goal is to break the touch barrier and introduce yourself. This will REALLY help with anxiety.

Now this is the part where you might start to get stronger rejections. Some women will say “I have a boyfriend” or “No” or even “Piss off, loser!” And that’s completely and totally fine.

When people reject you like that, it’s more of a reflection of their own state of mind and has absolutely nothing to do with you. Since they have NO CLUE WHO YOU ARE AS A PERSON. You’re just some rando on the street who they don’t know or care about. That’s how the world works.

Get as many of these rejections as you can. They are really good for you. They are not failures because there’s nothing to fail at here, but RESULTS. Negative results, obviously, but still results. Because no matter what happens, you will gain LIFE EXPERIENCE.

The point is to get used to negative results and rejection. So you understand that no matter what happens, life goes on. They don’t matter. You won’t see that person again in your life, most likely. And even if you do, they will not remember you since you were a random event in their lives.

That’s exactly why you’re there in a place WHERE NOBODY KNOWS YOU. So you can try again and again until you get used to it. Until you almost get bored of it. Until you are fully desensitized to negative results and rejection. As long as it’s a decent sized city and busy area you will have endless opportunities.

Here’s more in-depth information about how to overcome fear of rejection and all its psychological implications in dating and seduction.

After 10-20 similar approaches, it’s time to take it up a notch.

Narrow down even more and start complimenting women

Step 6) Now approach women who you find attractive and would like to go on a date with.

Once again, go up, do the innocent question, then some follow-ups, then tell her your name and ask hers.

While you’re doing this, NOTICE SOMETHING SPECIAL ABOUT HER. Something you genuinely find interesting/cool/attractive/exciting about her that catches your eye.

Something specific and not vague. Like a piece of her clothing. Or an accessory she’s wearing. Or something about her personality from the way she’s talking to you.

Maybe it’s something about her body language. Or how she stands and carries herself. The way she talks or whatever else that catches your eye.

Now, after you introduce yourself and get her name, tell her about the thing you noticed about her and compliment her on that thing.

Here’s an example: “I really like the way you’ve done up your hair and how it twirls around your ears like that. You must’ve spent hours getting it that way!”

Or “I really like that red dress you’re wearing, it reminds me of the one (some actress wore in some movie/series). I think you’re very brave to wear something so provocative!”

Or whatever else you can think of. As long as it’s specific and genuinely interesting to you.

Giving women specific compliments like that is infinitely better than saying vague and low-effort stuff like “You’re cute, pretty, beautiful, hot.” It’s how you compliment women the right way and make their day, without being weird or creepy.

After that, tell them it was nice meeting them or talking to them, and that you’ve got to go.

Now let’s take it to the next level.

Get her phone number or an instant date

Step 7) Here’s where things get more interesting.

After dozens and dozens of approaches, you shouldn’t be very nervous anymore. (If you still are, just keep practicing the steps above, learning from your mistakes and adjusting your approaches. With each approach, things will be less and less awkward and weird.)

Now when you approach, ask the innocent question, follow up, exchange names and compliment the girl, ask her a question about herself. And notice her reaction.

(work in progress)

And say you enjoy taking to her and would like to get her numer or go for a drink/whatever. You will eventually get some numbers.

Do this exercise 1-2 times per week to get serious results

For total clueless newbies it’s all about taking baby steps and desensitising yourself to approaching and talking to women. And getting rejected obviously.

Do this practical exercise as many days as you can. I’d recommend at least once a week. But for faster and better results, even 2 or 3 times a week, as time permits. For for several hours per day, at least 2-3 hours a day.

In a month or two, or three and even four, depending on how cluesless and hopeless you were when you began, YOU”LL BE CURED OF YOUR SHYNESS, “pussyness” or whatever else you call it. And you’ll be able to approach women pretty much anywhere due to the experience you’ll gain.

Continue doing it however long it takes. Persist until you learn the skill of talking to women women and until you get over your fear.

Yes it’s literally a LOT of work. But it’s an INVESTMENT in yourself, so it’s worth it.

The alternative is to pay a coach thousands upon thousands of dollars who will basically force you to do the same. Or remain a sexless pussy with a shit social life.

I guarantee this works really well and brings concrete, long-term change and results in virtually any person who tries it. You just have to put in the work.

But here’s something that will make the exercise even BETTER: The Inner game, mental exercise.

The Mental Exercise – Inner Game – Put Yourself In a Positive State

(to be continued)

The post Get Over Fear of Women And Shyness – Best Practical Exercise appeared first on Saulis Dating.

Don Julio Horchata Blanco Martini

Don Julio Horchata Blanco Martini

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