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New Year’s Resolutions: Setting Achievable and Manageable Goals

New Year’s Resolutions: Setting Achievable and Manageable Goals

  • By Admin

As we usher in a new cycle, setting our New Year’s resolutions takes center stage in the quest for personal development. As a wellness brand, we recognize the significance of aligning aspirations with overall well-being. In this expansive exploration, we delve into the dynamics of goal-setting, providing a detailed roadmap with five comprehensive tips to help you set goals that are both achievable and friendly to your mental health. Additionally, we discuss how incorporating CBD products to complement your wellness journey, ushering in the new year with a holistic approach to self-care and balance.


1. Reflect on Your Values and Prioritize

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, let’s take a moment for introspection to understand our core values and priorities. This self-reflection serves as the cornerstone for setting goals that not only resonate with our values but also contribute to genuine fulfillment.

The Power of New Year Reflection:

Begin the year with intentional reflection, perhaps through journaling or meditation. Delve into this year’s past achievements and low moments, unveiling patterns that reveal your deepest desires and priorities.

Aligning Values with New Year Goals:

Connect your core values to specific goals for the upcoming year. Whether it’s health, relationships, career, or personal development, setting intentions that align with your values creates a foundation for a fulfilling and purpose-driven year ahead.


2. Break Down New Year’s Resolutions into Manageable Steps

Amidst the optimism of a fresh start, it’s essential to break down long-term New Year’s resolutions into smaller, more manageable steps. This not only makes the journey less overwhelming but also allows us to regularly celebrate our progress, boosting our motivation.

The Power of Incremental Progress in the New Year:

Visualize your long-term resolution as a series of achievable steps. Focus on the small victories along the way, reinforcing the belief that each step brings you closer to your ultimate goal.

Crafting a New Year Roadmap:

Design a roadmap that outlines the short-term objectives contributing to your overarching New Year’s resolution. If, for example, your goal is to improve your physical fitness, set monthly milestones that make the larger resolution seem more attainable. Think of the “I really wanna lose three pounds” line from Regina Goerge on Mean Girls.


3. Embrace Flexibility and Adaptability in the New Year

The dawn of a new year brings with it the promise of positive change, but we need to account for life’s unpredictability in our plans and prepare to be flexible and adaptable in our approach to goal-setting.

Viewing Challenges as Opportunities:

Rather than viewing obstacles as insurmountable barriers, see them as opportunities for learning and growth. Cultivate a flexible mindset that allows you to adjust your course without losing sight of your New Year’s aspirations.

The Role of CBD in New Year Adaptability:

Consider integrating CBD products into your routine to support a sense of calm and balance. CBD has been recognized for to reducing stress and anxiety, providing a natural means of navigating challenges with composure as you embark on your new year journey.


4. Establish a Support System for Your New Year Goals

Setting and achieving New Year’s goals is undoubtedly a transformative journey, one that becomes more meaningful with a supportive network. We should always surround ourselves with individuals who inspire us, motivate us, and share similar aspirations.

The Power of Accountability in the New Year:

Share your New Year’s resolutions with someone you really trust who can provide constructive feedback and encouragement. This shared accountability fosters a sense of community, motivating you to stay committed to your goals.

New Year, New Community Connection:

Consider joining groups or communities with shared New Year aspirations. Whether it’s a workout group, a book club, or an online community, the shared experience can offer valuable insights, encouragement, and camaraderie. If you are into CBD, you might consider joining our support group of like-minded women who you can share your hopes for the new year with.


5. Prioritize Self-Care and Well-Being in the New Year

A holistic approach to New Year’s resolutions involves prioritizing our well-being. Incorporating self-care practices into our routines ensures that our journey toward our goals is sustainable and enriching.

The Importance of Self-Care in the New Year:

Recognize that self-care is a vital component of a fulfilling life. Prioritize activities that rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit, enhancing your resilience and enabling you to tackle New Year challenges with a clear and focused mindset.

CBD and Holistic Well-Being in the New Year:

Consider incorporating CBD products into your wellness routine. CBD has been loved by our customers because it has helped them relax, reduce stress, and support overall balance. Our Canadian CBD brand offers a range of high-quality products crafted to enhance your well-being naturally as you embrace the new year with a renewed focus on health and balance.



Embarking on the journey of setting realistic goals which are friendly to our minds and bodies for the new year is a profound undertaking that requires thoughtful consideration and a commitment to self-care. By aligning our aspirations with our values, breaking them down into manageable steps, embracing flexibility, establishing a support system, and prioritizing well-being, you can create a path to success that promotes overall balance in the year ahead.

As you navigate your New Year’s goal-setting journey, consider incorporating our CBD products as a natural complement to your holistic approach to well-being. At ICARIA, we are thankful for being able to share yet another year with you and we are committed to supporting you on your path to a healthier and more fulfilling new year.

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