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Ready for easier evenings?!

Ready for easier evenings?!

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Cover of book "what's for dinner in One Pot" by Sarah Rossi

The season is about to change, and here’s my second book, ready to give you a whole new selection of midweek meal saviours to get you through the week!

Cover of book "what's for dinner in One Pot" by Sarah Rossi

About the Book

After my first book of super speedy recipes, this book tackles that overwhelm we all feel at dinner time with too many pans to juggle. Simplifying dinner, and giving you some evening calm back.

Here’s what you need to know about the book:

⭐️ Complete meals, all cooked in one pot

⭐️ No complicated ingredients, affordable and family friendly.

⭐️ 10 weeks of meal plans with complete shopping lists.

Every recipe is cooked in one of 3 pots:

➡️ A slow cooker

➡️ A baking sheet

➡️ A shallow saucepan (like this)

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Collage of 4 recipes from the book "what's for dinner in One Pot" by Sarah Rossi.

Why pre-order now?!

The book will be released on 28th September 2023, here’s why it’s a good idea to order now:

⭐️ Get it on the day of release, earlier than anyone who hasn’t pre-ordered AND no need to remember to buy then.

⭐️On Amazon you automatically pay the lowest price the book is listed at before release (and you don’t actually pay until the book is sent). Woohoo!

⭐️ Pre-orders make a massive difference to the success of a book (as book shops stock on the basis of this – who knew) so personally, THANK YOU for helping this book grow ❤️ I’m SO grateful. ❤️

Want a sneak peak of what’s inside?

Inside pages from What's For Dinner book.

A Note on What “One Pot” means to me

Confession, I get very irritated when chefs write about “one pot” recipes which are not a complete meal. I tried to stick to the following in this book:

⭐️ Each dinner is a complete meal, that uses only one cooking dish.

⭐️ Wherever possible, cook protein, carbs and vegetables all in the same pan.

⭐️ If carbs and vegetables aren’t included in the main cooking dish, you should be able to serve with a no-cook side dish (a salad, a bread or, at a push, microwaveable rice!).

It felt important to me that in the cases where vegetables didn’t work in the main dish for example (Slow Cooker Braised Beef Tacos and Slow Cooker Sticky Ginger Pulled Ham I’m looking at you) we came up with a very quick side dish to serve with them that didn’t need an additional cooking pot.

So, in each weekly meal plan, you’ll find two recipes that offer a no-cook side dish alongside the main.

PRE-ORDER What’s for Dinner? In One Pot RIGHT NOW!

Collage of recipes from What's for Dinner by Sarah Rossi.

Questions about What’s for Dinner? In One Pot

How many recipes are in the book? 

There are 100 new recipes in the book, made up as follows:
⭐️ 60 Main courses
⭐️ 20 Side dishes
⭐️ 10 Weekend breakfasts
⭐️ 10 Sweet treats

Can I get a signed copy?!

Yes! There’s a limited number of signed copies available here from Waterstones. I have lovingly signed them all and I hope they’d make an extra special gift for someone or treat for yourself ❤️

Do I need to have a slow cooker to buy this book?

Nope! Every slow cooker recipe has an alternative cooking method included (apart from the Slow Cooker One Pan Lasagne, as the other version of that is in my first book, What’s for Dinner? In 30 Minutes!)

PRE-ORDER What’s for Dinner? In One Pot RIGHT NOW!

Does the book include meal plans?

Yes! There are 10 weeks of meal plans, with no repeat recipes. You don’t have to use the book in this way, but they are there if you fancy. Each meal (some when served with the suggested side dish recipe) is complete with carbs and veggies.

Each meal plan includes 6 dinners, one weekend breakfast and one weekend treat recipe.

Do the meal plans have shopping lists?

Yes! They include a full shopping list for the entire week. You can take a photo (or take the book with you) to the supermarket ready to shop or place your online food order using the lists.

When will it be available to order in other countries?

Yes! You can pre-order now and it will be published in the US and Canada on 27th February 2024 and in Australia on 3rd January 2024.

⭐️ Order for delivery in USA
⭐️ Order for delivery in Canada
⭐️ Order for delivery in Australia

What if I don’t want to buy from Amazon?

No problem, you can also pre-order the book from Waterstones (they are also running a brilliant competition!), W H Smith and

PRE-ORDER What’s for Dinner? In One Pot RIGHT NOW!

How many recipes did you test for the book?

The book includes 100 brand new recipes, each of those was tested at least 5 times. Then cooked again for the book photography.

As always, were a handful of recipes that were tested more than 10 times each (One Pan Pancakes and Dutch Baby I AM LOOKING AT YOU) where I just knew they could be SO GOOD but they took a while to get there.

At a guess, between me, Anna, Debbie, Miranda, Hattie (my step-daughter) and our food stylist Pippa probably 650 dishes have been cooked for What’s for Dinner? All so we can be sure that they really do work for you!

Who eats all of the food from the testing?!

Friends or neighbours, sometimes us for dinner, sometimes it goes into the freezer for another day, the team shooting the book photos eat what they can for lunch, and if it really didn’t go well; Archie the dog.. 🐶 Basically, if we are in a busy testing time and you know any or us and bump into us, you’re likely to come away with a food parcel!

I hope you are going to love this book as much as I’ve loved writing it for you.

Thanks as always for all of your support, for reading my recipes, leaving comments, telling me how much they’ve helped you and recommending my recipes to your friends.

It’s because of you that this book has been written and I really hope I’ve done you proud. ❤️

PRE-ORDER What’s for Dinner? In One Pot RIGHT NOW!

Back cover of what's for dinner in one pot by Sarah Rossi.

The post Ready for easier evenings?! appeared first on Taming Twins.

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