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Take Control of Your Fleet With Real-Time Fleet Tracking Solutions

Take Control of Your Fleet With Real-Time Fleet Tracking Solutions

Are you in the business of delivery service, working in a transportation company, or are assigned the task of managing field service operations? You can certainly relate to the importance of having real-time fleet tracking solutions in place. Managing your fleet operations in a cost-efficient and organized manner is crucial. For those still not clear on how real-time fleet tracking solutions can help your business, let’s understand the impact it can create. And then learn how you can find the perfect solution for your business requirements. 

Impact of real-time fleet tracking solutions-

Fleet tracking solutions have helped the transportation and logistics industry get complete visibility of fleet operations. However, that’s just the beginning. We deep dive into compelling reasons for the importance of real time fleet tracking solutions. 

Improved Fleet Efficiency: What’s the biggest expense factor in handling fleet operations? Fuel costs. Studies have stated that 60% of businesses have reduced fuel costs by 10% which has led to improved fleet productivity by 20%.

Improves Driver Safety: Ensuring your drivers are happy and safe is of paramount importance in this driver-shortage economy. The use of real-time fleet tracking software enables tracking of driver behavior, which leads to a reduction in the number of accidents while promoting responsible driving habits.  

Reduces Maintenance Costs: As real-time fleet tracking software updates vehicle data, it also keeps track of maintenance to avoid major repairs or unexpected breakdowns. This can help businesses save between 20-30% of costs related to maintenance expenses. 

Enhances Customer Experience: Not only will your dispatchers enjoy real-time vehicle visibility, but customers can also now track orders in real-time. The end result is improved customer satisfaction, building brand trust, and ensuring returning customers.

Improves on-time delivery: Fleet tracking solutions come with features such as route planning and route optimization. This helps your dispatcher find the best routes to serve customers, reducing fuel costs and improving fleet mileage. A report for fleet technology trends showed that 96% of businesses enjoyed a positive ROI with fleet tracking solutions. 

Now that you understand how real-time fleet tracking solutions can help scale your operations and have a positive ROI, let’s dive to find how you can harness the maximum benefits by finding a suitable fleet tracking solution.

Real-time updates: Before finalizing your ideal real-time fleet tracking solution, take a demo to find how accurate and up-to-the-minute data can be showcased. This will help you find your ideal solution based on the type of requirement you need for your operations.

Simple User Interface: A simple and white-labeled solution will be crucial to help the team and end-user with real-time tracking visibility. 

Integration Capabilities: Always check whether your current software and applications can integrate with the new fleet tracking solution. Whether it be for Email, SMS, IVR, WhatsApp, Carrier, or other integrations- check the integration capabilities. 

Customized Reporting: Check with the fleet tracking solutions provider on whether they can help reporting in certain ways your business would like to operate. Ensure there is detailed reporting available on driver behavior, driver performance, vehicle maintenance, etc. 

Customer Support: Finally, any solution can become a failure if a proper understanding of the software is not clear to your team. Hence, it’s a crucial need for an excellent customer support team to assist with whatever challenges the team faces.

Real-time fleet tracking solutions are no longer just a luxury, but a necessity in today’s competitive market. Hence, investing in top-rated fleet tracking solutions such as LogiNext can help take complete control of your fleet operations. It will help reduce operational costs, improve driver safety, and enhance customer experience. With all three key factors covered by choosing the right real-time fleet tracking solution, you can be assured your business will grow exponentially. 

Author Bio

Matt Murdock works for a leading SAAS-based platform called LogiNext Solutions. Where he helps businesses optimize their logistics operations and improve their delivery performance. With a passion for innovation and technology, Matt is always looking for new ways to streamline logistics processes and enhance customer experiences. In his free time, he enjoys writing blogs based on his experience in the logistics industry. Happy reading!


The post Take Control of Your Fleet With Real-Time Fleet Tracking Solutions appeared first on Global Trade Magazine.

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