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What is negative balance protection?

What is negative balance protection?

Forex trading has been the preferred investment choice for many due to its low margin requirements and volatility. However, like all investments, there’s a risk involved. A significant concern in forex trading is the potential to lose more money than you initially invested, resulting in a negative account balance. Here’s where negative balance protection comes into play.

What is negative balance protection?

Negative balance protection (NBP) is a feature offered by some forex brokers to ensure that traders never owe more money than they deposited. In other words, a trader’s losses are limited to their deposits, even when market conditions are highly volatile and prices move unpredictably.

For example, if a trader has $1,000 in their account and experiences a loss that would theoretically reduce their balance to -$500, with negative balance protection in place, the account would instead be reset to $0, and they would not owe the broker the extra $500. In this case, the broker would cover those additional losses.

Negative balance protection wipes the slate clean, and the trader can redeposit and continue trading without worrying the broker will claim their funds.

Why forex brokers offer negative balance protection

In several jurisdictions, financial regulators mandate forex and CFD brokers to provide negative balance protection to retail clients. This regulation safeguards retail traders from unforeseen market anomalies leading to significant financial debts. For example, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has guidelines that require brokers to offer NBP to retail clients.

Even when not required by regulations, responsible brokers prioritise the safety of their clients’ funds. Offering NBP is a testament to their commitment to ensuring clients don’t face financial hardships beyond their initial investment. By offering this protection, brokers demonstrate their responsibility and dedication to their client’s well-being.

How can traders get into debt with a broker?

Black Swan Events: The forex market is known for volatility. Major geopolitical events, central bank announcements, or unexpected economic data can cause significant price swings in a very short period. If a trader is on the wrong side of such a move, their position can result in substantial losses. For instance, if a trader holds a large position in a currency pair and an unforeseen event leads to an adverse movement, the loss can quickly surpass the trader’s account balance, especially when combined with low liquidity conditions.

Low liquidity: Liquidity refers to the ability to buy or sell an asset without causing a significant price change. Sometimes, due to various factors like market hours or major economic events, certain currency pairs might experience low liquidity. This means there might not be enough buyers or sellers at a particular price level to fill an order. When trying to close a losing position in a low liquidity situation, a trader may be unable to exit at their desired price, leading to greater than expected losses.

Poor risk management: Traders often use stop-loss orders to limit potential losses. However, in cases of extreme market volatility or gapping (where prices jump from one level to another without any trading in between), these stop-loss orders might get triggered at a worse rate than initially set, resulting in what’s known as slippage. This can cause losses to exceed the trader’s expectations and account balance.


For most traders that fall into a negative balance situation, it’s usually for a few dollars and nothing life-changing. But there have been situations when traders owed their brokers thousands of dollars. For example, when the Swiss National Bank removed its peg to the euro in 2015, it caused the Swiss franc to fall 20% in minutes. While the currency was in freefall, no one could close their trades.

Negative balance protection is an essential feature that protects traders from unexpected market volatility and ensures they won’t owe their brokers money. While traders must understand the risks involved in forex trading and manage their capital responsibly, having NBP offers protection in this high-risk market. 

Traders should only choose brokers that offer this  NBP. We believe it’s our responsibility to provide access to an efficient trading environment where our clients can close their orders at the expected levels. If we can’t, we’re prepared to suffer the consequences.

The post What is negative balance protection? appeared first on Scandinavian Capital Markets.

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