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When “tropical” and “ghost bezel” don’t cut it. Describe the condition of this Rolex salvaged from the bottom of the ocean

When “tropical” and “ghost bezel” don’t cut it. Describe the condition of this Rolex salvaged from the bottom of the ocean

For people selling watches, “vintage” is the polite word for “old”.  It’s easy to understand why this has become such a necessary euphemism when it comes to flogging a timepiece for an often substantial fee. In modern culture, after all, “old” carries rather unhelpful connotations from a marketing perspective. The phrase “old age”, for example, … Continued

The post When “tropical” and “ghost bezel” don’t cut it. Describe the condition of this Rolex salvaged from the bottom of the ocean appeared first on Time and Tide Watches.

The post When “tropical” and “ghost bezel” don’t cut it. Describe the condition of this Rolex salvaged from the bottom of the ocean appeared first on Time and Tide Watches.

Best Meme Coins To Invest In Today Thursday, June 13 – PepeFork, Katana Inu, Sealana, Vita Inu

Best Meme Coins To Invest In Today Thursday, June 13 – PepeFork, Katana Inu, Sealana, Vita Inu

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