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Your 8 Card FREE Tarot Reading – Pick two cards

Your 8 Card FREE Tarot Reading – Pick two cards

Your 8 Card FREE Tarot Reading – Pick two cards

Focus on the 8 Tarot Cards and sense, and use your intuition to feel which two have a message for you. Scroll down for your answer!

Much love Michele x


high priestess tarot card

Tarot Card One – The High Priestess

 Are you ignoring the rich pool of knowledge that flows through you? What is your intuition trying to tell you? Why don’t you have total confidence in your psychic, intuitive, wise one within? Perhaps you practice your spiritual path and give stunning advice to others, but are you playing it safe? Are you holding back the ocean of wisdom you have access to? Are you using your divine gift in your own life? You can no longer afford to ignore what you KNOW.

You are about to take a quantum leap into a new realm of knowing. Expect an unveiling, a revelation a step through into your true power. Whatever you have been afraid of acknowledging, whatever you have feared addressing is overcome with a deeper perception. It’s time to trust your gifts and use them to evolve and create the reality you deserve.

HierophantTarot Card Two – The Hierophant

The Hierophant is all about structure and learning. I used to have a block with the card as its traditional meaning is all about the Patriachy/restriction/the power of society until I realised that one of the fundamental building blocks of my success happened when I learned to embrace structure. The Hierophant is coming to tell you that you have the opportunity to transform your life. Let your curiosity seek new ideas, learning and the extraordinary. Create foundations for your ideas to blossom and grow. You are given a clue to the next step. Read, enroll in a course, and create a life manifesto to structure your expansion. A personal manifesto does need to be dry and rigid, it’s a reminder of how to contain and fertilise your brilliance!  Check out how to do it here. Encourage healthy boundaries for yourself, You can still be a wilding and join forces with a structure that you decide on, it’s your rules!

King of WandsTarot Card Three – The King of Wands

Look out for a dynamic, fiery one that trots towards you to inspire you to reach your full potential. A successful, go-getting and entrepreneurial spirit that mirrors who you are. Utilize your innovative ideas and become a spiritual hustler. It’s time to channel your fire, and you’re unleashing your creativity. Mix with those walking their talk and know you can do it! 

9 of cupsTarot card four – The Nine Of Cups

Yay! The Wish Card! Express your curiosity and you could get more than you bargained for! Wishes big and small are on the way. Of course, you have to do the work! Rip up routines and old patterns, embrace your wonder, seek to look into things that excite you deeper. Do not procrastinate! You have a magical window of opportunity. Wishes are not finite, we grow, we evolve and sometimes we receive wishes we didn’t even know existed. Dream big, dream outside the box and trust your authentic self.

Queen of PentaclesTarot Card Five – The Queen Of Pentacles

It’s time to build on your curiosity and ground your imagination. You have a very tenacious spirit and will never give up or give in. However, if you have committed to a course of action, switching plans is difficult. To be a real Queen of your destiny, you must be a spiritual ninja and change track at any point. Be flexible with your will and you can achieve and grow beyond your expectations. Hone your skills, trust your warrior hearts your intuition to guide where you focus your energy and what to build on. You will meet another Queen who will help show you the way.

emperorTarot Card Six – The Emperor

Have you been feeling restricted? Perhaps there is a force in your life dampening your spirit? It may be that a person or situation has too much control over you or a ‘Bah Humbug personality? Have you given your power away for a quiet life? Are there responsibilities holding you back? Perhaps you’ve taken on too many constraints to keep you safe? Is this an illusion? The Emperor is asking you to embrace his energy so that you can dictate and own your journey. Perhaps it’s time to lay boundaries and be strong and say NO! You have the right to explore, dance with life, be playful and tinker with ideas and experiences. Curiosity needs the freedom to flourish, be strong and take yours.

6 of pentaclesTarot Card Seven – 6 of Pentacles

It’s time to examine the power dynamics in your relationships. Are you a giver or a receiver? Which role are you more comfortable in? I’ll hazard a guess and say, giver! This card honors you for all that you have given to others. However, this is a reminder that all relationships need to be reciprocal, it doesn’t mean you have to stop giving, but if you want balanced and happy connections, it needs to be a two-way street, especially in your most intimate relationships.

Is it you always changing the kitty litter? Are you the first to pay the coffee bill? Pay attention to how the energy flows with those close to you and open your arms up to receiving. Life will be more abundant when you make small shifts. Allow others to express their love to you.

ten cupsTarot Card Eight – Ten of Cups

The meaning of Ten of Cups meaning is very clear in this divine picture. Positive energy is being shared and flows. Love, ideas, and good vibrations are streaming from one cup to another.

Your soul family is gathering, and there is a sense of union. Never underestimate the power of friendship and kindred spirits. You are about to experience unconditional love and a sense of belonging.

A gathering of like-minded souls can reboot your faith in humanity. If you have felt isolated, you become a magnet for the right energy. You deserve love and have a peak experience of kinship. You can also become a group leader at this time.

The post Your 8 Card FREE Tarot Reading – Pick two cards appeared first on Michele Knight.

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